The boxes, the disorganization, the address updates – let’s face it: moving is a pain! Although there is no definite way to take away the hassle of moving, there are ways to make it a little less hectic.
1. Save money on movers & go with a cheaper moving option
Moving is expensive. Being tight on money is stressful. The solution is easy, spend less on movers… right? It’s often easier said than done. Even the cheapest movers can charge between $250 and $5,000 ( and that’s a lot of money, and stress! But, there are definitely deals to be found. Try moving during the off-season. Ask your movers for special rates for military, teachers, or first-responder discounts. And most important, get lots of quotes. These should be over the phone and in-person! It may take a lot of searching, but there are deals to be found.
2. Get rid of everything (or almost everything).
Sell the couch. Donate the mattresses. Toss out the old Christmas decorations. Some people follow this idea literally – getting rid of any item that they don’t need or can easily replace. However, others view it is a challenge for decluttering.
Though you can certainly get rid of any larger items, you can also choose to downsize. To do this, create a list and choose which items you want to sell, donate, or throw out.
3. Sort items as you pack.
Organizing and labeling boxes by room will make the unpacking process much more manageable. Even if you currently have items in one room that belong in another, place these items in the corresponding box that depicts your goal location. For example, if you have a Christmas decoration that has been taking up space in your closet, place it in the decor box, and store it somewhere else.

4. Keep important items with you.
If you have specific items that you will need immediately after arriving at your new location, keep those items with you or pack accordingly. Essential items, such as irreplaceable paperwork and documents, should stay with you at all times in a secure location. Remember not to leave these items out of sight in your vehicle when traveling.
Pack your moving truck/trailer properly. Place items that you use daily near the front of the moving vessel so that they will be some of the first items to get unpacked. You don’t want to wait weeks for your dishes, because you accidentally packed them in the back of the moving truck. Plan ahead.
5. Create a schedule.
Don’t want to find yourself scurrying around when the movers arrive? Create a schedule in advance. Use a spreadsheet on a computer or an app on your phone that will allow you to adjust the plan as needed. You can also share your schedule with others so that everyone is aware of the tentative moving timeline.

6. Enlist help.
Invite your family and friends to help expedite the packing process. Consider hiring a moving company to transport your items for you. Use all of the help that you can get. Moving is a challenge, both physically and emotionally. Easing some of the burdens will help you in the long run.
7. Find free boxes.
Surprisingly, one of the highest expenses associated with moving is the cost of boxes. One box at a retailer can cost upwards of $10. Multiply that by an entire household, and you have spent money that could be better spent elsewhere on cardboard. Look for boxes on social media, garage sale sites, and from family/friends.